
#137790 Happy Birthday Molly!

愛心數量 x82
Rika [ Lv.203 ] ?
2009-11-13 15:07:05 1小時16分38秒
畫的草草的 T口T sry mol btw happy birthday!! ^^ 我現在真的去睡了 <熬夜畫的 哇 這裡已經2 am 了 = =

回覆凌子餅 [ Lv.127 ] ? 2009-11-13 16:13:08
回覆 [ Lv.92 ] ? 2009-11-13 22:15:36
#2辛苦囉 甘溫咧~>w<

回覆呀呀 [ Lv.209 ] ? 2009-11-14 01:44:39
回覆Rika [ Lv.203 ] ? 2009-11-14 05:39:47
#4>凌子餅 呀呀
謝謝 QQ
好像太久沒看到妳上線了<-有嗎? =口= 反正我只記得那件衣服 8D
draw more Q-Q good luck on field day 8D btw, who's running for relay for both class o.o?
回覆 [ Lv.92 ] ? 2009-11-15 10:11:01
#5...that's becuase u go online 24-7 XDD
field day...
11A: sunny (duh) dara someone else someone else (im too lazy to remember)
us: joyce angle proey and syd (who was injured. so its me-_-")
and i cant run anything more than 200m fast XDD

11A: sunny annie dara and someone else
us: joyce angle proey and me -_-"
we got 2nd both~"~
回覆Rika [ Lv.203 ] ? 2009-11-15 12:00:23
#6lol you wouldn't see me online if i'm on anyways except on weekends if i'm on <--時差
i think the one of the 'someone else' you say is steph c